John Maxwell Team
Your Attitude Is Showing Seminar
Dynamic Communication Seminar
Emotional Quotient (EQ)™ Seminar
DISC Behavioral Assessment
Emotional Quotient® Assessment
TriMetrix® HD
Sales Skills Index™
Job Benchmarking
Workplace Motivators
Performance DNA™
Keynote Speaker
Certification of Companies
Staff Development
Staff Engagement
Strategic Planning
Leadership Development
Team Building
Think and Grow Rich Class


Dr. John C. Maxwell defines a coach as “…someone who can come alongside of you and can correct you without criticizing you in a way that is negative in your life.  A coach is a word that means ‘come alongside’.  Come alongside and share together, teach, listen and lead.”

Carlan Consulting offers onsite group coaching. Carol explains, “Working in a small group setting, having the entire assembly’s input in thinking magnifies the richness of the discussions, and results in developing solutions above and beyond what any individual can create alone.  The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within, and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole.”

The goal of coaching is the goal of good management – to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources. ~ Harvard Business Review

For more information or to book a class, seminar, or engagement, please email us.